Longevity & Quality of Life
- Acupuncture & Chinese herbs
- Musculoskeletal Manipulation (a.k.a. Chiropractic)
- Laser therapy & pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (pEMF)
- Food therapy, supplements, fresh diets
- Vaccine titers, diagnostics
Dr. Madeline Yamate, joins us to talk about her experience working with older dogs, aging as a physiological process, and the role of food and nutrition in aging pets. (30 minutes)
Our veterinarian’s expertise and passion is treating holistically using principles of Chinese medicine. Our focus is alternative veterinary medicine and our clinic is equipped for this purpose. Our patients will continue to see their primary veterinarians for services that we do not provide such as emergency and urgent care, x-rays, nail trims etc.
Our veterinarian welcomes collaborating with your primary veterinarian and board certified veterinary specialists such as oncology and internal medicine.
Improving your pet’s health is a commitment from the heart. Learn more about the initial consultation and the resulting treatment plan.